Thursday, 1 October 2009

Video ideas

This video is very similar to the language advert, which both show how we want our music video to happen. They both show clever and they attract the modern audiences of music video technology.

The music video shows good genre characteristics, very abstract but there is no rock band or band action for this particular song, it very bass and metal which especially in metal it shows the band and this doesn't no dance routine for a drum and bass either. So it is very abstract.
the lyrics and visuals do work well together, it does tell a narrative story, the reason why it does work well is because it is not like any normal drum and bass or rock metal video but yet it's very serial and abstract. The lyrics contradict the lyrics numerous amounts especially at the end with the boy and girl on a see saw.
The camera work is very clever it seems as if the camera stays still and all the action is through a lot of still images and the action happens behind it, it switches from scene to scene through a huge swirl and it seems as if it's switching planets or something. very clever way but hard to switch scenes. you can see it switches scenes cleverly here how the bird cage is shown then it follows the bird cage and ends up starting a new scene and camera shot. There are a lot of screens within screens and layer over writing another this is how a lot of the scenes change.

This music video by 'Raveonettes sound of color' is similar to how we want our music video with some of the technology shows. The video:

some of the technology which our group will be showing and doing similar stuff to is:

Similar stuff to this screen grab because it is a funky and attractive effect and it shows a clever look which grabs the audiences attention well.

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