Friday, 2 October 2009

Goodwins homework

For Goodwins homework i decided to analyze the music video, Black or White by Michael Jackson;

The genre characteristics of this music are of a pop video. Most of the attention is focused on the singer and only the singer, Micheal Jackson because he is also a solo artist. Jackson is shown doing a lot of dance routines, which is typical of a pop star.

The lyrics of this song are saying that it does not matter what colour your skin is, what your ethnic background is, what language you speak, where you come from, we are all equals and human beings at the end of the day. And in the video there is a vast example of every ethnic background and coloured skin possible.

There is also a relationship between the music and visuals as well as lyrics and visuals. In the video everyone is dancing together and getting along. The dance routines go well with the beat.

The demands of the record label are also met. There are lots of close ups of Micheal Jackson. He also constantly shown doing his trademark dance routines for which he is most famous. And Micheal Jackson is also wearing a single white glove on his right hand, which he also famous for wearing.

There is defiantly a notion of looking with Micheal Jackson looking into the camera as he sings and dances. And near the end where there are the faces of many nationalities and different ethnic backgrounds singing Jackson's lyrics into the camera.

There are inter textual references in this video but none comes to mind. There is defiantly one at the beginning with the narrative before the music.

This starts positively but some paragraphs are clearly the results of minimal effort. Some aspects of it however are mature, clear and are written well so I know you are very capable of much more.

I have taken into account what Emma has said and will keep it in mind when writing music video analysis's in the future. I will also put in a lot more work and effort next time.

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