Tuesday, 29 September 2009

music video analysis using goodwins points

The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance


The genre of this music video is dance and the characteristics of the video dont quite fit the genre. But most of the chemical brothers music videos dont fit their genre becasue they are made to be quite surreal. In this case, theres no dancing in this dance music video but instead a boy is triping that the fish are singing the song.

There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals in the video. The lyrics tell a story of teaching how to do the salmon dance and sure enough there is fish and a salmon telling you about a new dance called the salmon dance. They also do the salmon dance.

There is also a relationship between the music and visuals. There is a puffer fish beat boxing to the music.

Im not sure if the demands of the record lable are met because the band are not shown at all in this video but the video goes well with the bands reputation. The chemical brothers music is a dance genre but at the same time can be quite surreal.

There is a notion of looking in this music video, the boy is looking into the fish tank and it makes you look as well.

I cant think of any intertexual references for this music video by the chemical brothers but im sure there is one there. I just cant think of any at the moment.

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